Restaurant Disinfection for Sanitary Conditions to Care for Customers & Staff

Anyone who owns or has managed a restaurant will tell you that sanitation is an ongoing task. Even before the Coronavirus pandemic, anyone working for an eatery establishment has been through the rigors of trying to keep it clean.

Not just clean but disinfected to the point of meeting and exceeding requirements to comply with health codes. It’s about keeping conditions sanitary for your employees and customers.

Besides ongoing daily cleaning, you need professional-grade decontamination. If you haven’t yet, now is the time to schedule your disinfection and decontamination service and help protect your business.

Avoiding Disaster With Professional Disinfecting

At the very least, taking risks with the cleanliness of your restaurant can lead to bad reviews and a similar reputation. At the very worst, you could compromise the health of a patron.

Poor conditions in the kitchen or other areas of an eatery can result in grave illness and even fatality. While that can feel overwhelming to have to take on that level of responsibility by owning a restaurant, you don’t have to do it alone.

Working with a professional company that offers disinfection and decontamination can make all of the difference for your business. Plus, it ensures better protection for your staff and customers.

This includes getting proactive about preventative measures for disinfecting objects and areas like:

  • Countertops
  • Dining Tables & Seats
  • Bar Area (if applicable)
  • Stoves & Hoods
  • Ice Bin Doors

You never realize how many places can be hot spots for diseases, until you attempt to clean them all on your own. Don’t wait until you receive a violation to discover that you’ve neglected to decontaminate thoroughly enough!

Restaurant Disinfection for Sanitary Conditions Image

Professional Assistance is a Phone Call Away

At DisinfectCARE, we’re proud to be a leading resource for disinfection and decontamination service, as well as Coronavirus decontamination. The health, safety, and well-being of your customers matters to us.

We know that to prevent illness or an outbreak, it begins at an individual location and spreads outward. We’ll help avoid health concerns and risks in your establishment and the local community by offering professional disinfection services.

Call us now to arrange for a free consultation and estimate for decontamination in Texas.